1. Please clearly state the product name/model no/specification/quantity/brand/trademark/unit price and other information of all goods to be shipped.
2. Please accurately provide the net weight and gross weight after packaging of each item. If it cannot be provided accurately, it must be weighed.
3. The export customs declaration must indicate "This batch of goods is for exhibition. It will be returned after the exhibition and the original goods will be re-imported within one year from the day after the export."
4. The content declared when the goods are returned to Taiwan for customs declaration must all comply with the content and data of the previous export declaration.
5. The quantity and net weight of goods returned to Taiwan can only be equal to or less than the quantity and net weight declared at the time of export.
The above precautions are an important basis for determining whether the customs can verify and write off the exhibition goods when they are returned to Taiwan. In the end, if the export declaration data cannot match the returned import declaration data, the customs will require the applicant to pay import-related taxes and duty.
If you have any questions about the return and import of goods, you can contact us through the following consultation hotline, PIC: Mr. Mike
